Saturday, May 19, 2018

ECER in Italy

As I've come to suspect on Norwegian, the flight was uneventful and comfortable [considering it left three hours after its scheduled time.] At first, I was in the front row behind the bulkhead with plenty of legroom, but I don't like being squeezed into the seat and pulling the screen up and over. When I went to a restroom at the back of the plane, I noticed the penultimate row had only two seats and they were both empty! Asked the stewardess if I could move and she said, 'yes.' Now I was most comfortable. Only movie I watched, though, was "Rebel without a Cause."

It was actually a good thing my flight was delayed, since when I landed, Inija's flight was due in less than an hour, so I waited for her, and we took the shuttle together to Roma Termini. From there we walked to our fabulous apartment with the Aurelean walls across the street from our building. What a fabulous site. Marcus Aurelius was a philosopher who enjoyed arguing with himself [sound familiar?] I like the wall so much I decided to paint it.

It's a small painting, only 5 1/2 x 7 1/2. Only packed my small kit. Have to save weight for amber.

And we liked our courtyard so much, we took photos of each other. Inija was amazed hers received over 500 'likes.'

I'm just happy I finally figured out how to upload photos!

The European Congress of Ethnic Religions is always fun. The first day is when the groups introduce themselves and talk about what they've been doing for the past two years. The 2016 Congress was in Prague.  Our host group this year in Rome was the MTR [Movement Traditional Roma]. Here's how they felt:

Actually, there was a man there named Fabio who had just heard about the Congress and was only able to attend for the 1st day. When he's not in Italy, he lives in SF! He's the one who gave out the T-Shirt. Our site was unreal. It was held at the Palazza Colonnia in a palace.

That's Marcus Aurelius on top of the column.
All for now. Just glad I've started this.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thank Perkunas!

For some reason I have been unable to post on my blogs since I left the States. I'm at the airport in Stockholm and all is fine now. Off to Lithuania in a few hours and hope I can start the tale of my most recent travels
Shamanic circle on Palantine Hill in Rome