Sunday, March 30, 2014

ECER in Vilnius, 2014

Dear friends,

We are making plans for the next European Congress of Ethnic Religions meeting this summer, in Vilnius, where Romuva will be hosting the event. The dates are from Tuesday, 8 July to Friday, 11 July (arrive on 7 July).

The theme of the conference will be “Mother Earth, Unite Us.” The plan for the first day is to have the meeting at the Lithuanian Parliament, where we will have opportunities to talk with members of the Parliament and also from the news media about the state of the ethnic religions of Europe. Of the remaining 3 days, we would like to dedicate one to a conversation about developing a plan of action to realize the goals and the mission of the ECER. Another day will be for presentations and speeches about the different religions which are members of the ECER. The remaining day will be dedicated to a tour of important pagan holy places in Lithuania.

Romuva will be arranging the places where we will stay – hotels, hostels, and also making arrangements for food, etc. We will let you know as the plans become more definite, but we wanted you to to have the dates and location as soon as possible, so you can start making your travel plans.

Please let us know if you are planning on attending the meetings, and also approximately how many people will be coming from your group.

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