Celebrate Ostara in San Francisco
Event Details: DATE Change!
Due to numerous requests we are moving the ship offering to Saturday, March 29th, at dawn so more can attend.
Freya's Folk welcomes Spring by giving winter a Viking funeral at dawn at the Wave Organ in San Francisco. We have been doing this for over 30 years! Join us by 6 am on Sunday, March 30th, 2014. Decorated eggs, offerings to Ran appreciated, but we usually have plenty.
Event Location: 1 Marina Blvd. in San Francisco
Event TIME Details: 6:00 am
Directions: You can park by the little light house past the Yacht Club, and it's a 5-10 minute walk to the end of the jetty on a flat road. Don't be late. Dawn waits for no one, not even us!
Website: http://prudenttravels.blogspot.com
Mailing Address: pmb 165, 537 Jones St., SF, CA 94102-2007
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